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Coroutines are a way to schedule your code to execute after some time. There are 4 coroutines exposed for use in your ModScripts:

  1. invokeAfterTime
  2. invokeAfterTimeRealtime
  3. invokeAfterEndOfFrame
  4. invokeAfterFixedUpdate


invokeAfterTime is used to schedule a function after a specified amount of in-game time. This means that if the Time.timeScale was altered to cause slow-motion or speed-up, the coroutine will execute after a longer or shorter time respectively.

function someFunction(arg1, arg2)
print("someFunction called with args: ", arg1, arg2) -- args are "ligma" and "balls"
Time.timeScale = 6.9 -- causes speed-up
invokeAfterTime(4.20, someFunction, {"ligma", "balls"}) -- executes after 4.20 / 6.9 = 0.6 seconds

As shown, the arguments are passed to the function via a Lua table.


invokeAfterTimeRealtime is used to schedule a function after a specified amount of real time, regardless of the time scale. You'll probably end up using this less than invokeAfterTime, but you do you.

function someFunction(arg1, arg2)
print("someFunction called with args: ", arg1, arg2)
Time.timeScale = 6.9
invokeAfterTimeRealtime(4.20, someFunction, {"shrekma", "donkey"}) -- executes after 4.20 seconds


invokeAfterEndOfFrame executes the function at the end of the frame. This may be useful for doing stuff after all update methods have been called, but before the frame is rendered.

function someFunction(arg1, arg2)
print("kevin joke: ", arg1, arg2)
invokeAfterEndOfFrame(someFunction, {8008, "s"}) -- executes at end of frame


invokeAfterFixedUpdate executes the function at the end of the fixed update cycle (which is a physics engine step, happens at 30fps). This may be useful for doing stuff after all fixedUpdate methods have been called, which is after all physics engine stuff is calculated.

function someFunction(arg1, arg2)
print("kevin joke: ", arg1, arg2)
invokeAfterEndOfFrame(someFunction, {8008, "s"}) -- executes at end of frame

And there you have it.