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If you haven't already guessed it, this game is very community driven. It relies on you guys to be creative and build something awesome, both for levels, and mods for levels.

So here's a rundown of how you can interact with the community and me regarding anything about the game

Community Mods

All ModScripts from all published levels get uploaded to the Community Mods panel:

You can sort by popularity or date, filter by meme type, published level ID, script title, and even bring out a hidden panel from the top left if you want to filter by script hash.

Script hash uniquely identifies a script. It prevents multiple copies of the exact same ModScript from being uploaded to the Community Mods.

Because your code gets automatically shared to Community Mods, you should think about keeping your code clean understandable for other developers.


Discord is probably of the best ways to interact with the community. Here is the invite link:

This is chill place to vibelax and talk Ye Olde Meme Game 2 with fellow enthusiasts. There are lots of appropriate channels to discuss things, including one for modding.


Reddit is where you can publicly find and create community posts relating to the game and ModScripts.

Use at as you would any other subreddit.

Here is the link:


To report bugs and submit feature requests, and see and interact with all those created by the community, use the public GitHub repo:

Stack Overflow

Now if you prefer an old-fashioned approach to developing, you can use Stack Overflow to ask questions about the game, using the ye-olde-meme-game-2 tag


I have a YouTube channel where I livestream and make videos showing the development of Ye Olde meme Game 2.

If you wanna talk to me about meme game, drop by in one of my livestreams and say hi!

Or just comment on one of my videos, i'll do my best to respond.

The channel is called REEEthan, here is the link: