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Illuminati Flip

This script flips the Y axis of all Illuminati Sprite Renderers in the level every 0.69/4.20 seconds


local timeCounter = 0
local timeInterval = 0.69 /4.20
local illuminatis = getItemsByMemeId('Illuminati')

local illuminatiSpriteRens = {}
for i, value in ipairs(illuminatis) do
illuminatiSpriteRens[i] = value.GetComponent('SpriteRenderer') -- cache all sprite renderers

function update()
timeCounter = timeCounter + Time.deltaTime
if timeCounter > timeInterval then
timeCounter = 0
for i, value in ipairs(illuminatiSpriteRens) do
value.flipY = not value.flipY

Notice how it just changes the sprite appearance, it doesn't actually flip the entire object, so the colliders stay in place.

A repeated recursive call to invokeAfterTime coroutine might have been a better choice here, but this works too and I'm lazy and had this example at hand.